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Automobile Forum • View topic - A Shining City on a Hill...

A Shining City on a Hill...

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A Shining City on a Hill...

Postby Les / Vipers Rule » Sun Oct 09, 2016 2:17 am

A Shining City on A Hill.

“America is, and always will be, a shining city on a hill.”

― Ronald Reagan

There are probably 100 maybe 1000 or more things done wrong and maybe as much points of view President Ronald Reagan is guilty of. No mere man has achieved perfection and likely never will. That said I have seen a lot and thought a lot of many things in my life. I am a product of the mid/late 20th. Century western ideal world. My nation of Canada has balanced and embraced many ideals, some good, some not so good. I see today with many years of political and social indoctrination hoisted upon me through formal public education, working/career life, family, marriage, deaths of loved ones and friends, my own disillusion on things, that very much the creeping of socialism in not just my country of Canada but through like a cancer much of the western world including the United States of America.

Nov. 18 1956, Nikita Khrushchev said, “We will bury you.”

He meant that Soviet style socialism would bury the west. He was both correct and wrong. No, the Soviet Union style of socialism did not bury the west, but a variant of socialism is and in many places in the west has.

Who are the people behind this?

They are men who hide behind black curtains and/or in shadows. Men full of lust for power but blind to human ambition and want for freedom. I call them crony-capitalists, globalists and NWO types. They used capitalism to harness wealth and power but no longer are enamored to the competitive spirit of the free market system. They now have theirs and want to consolidate to keep it even if by doing so they stunt it’s future for growth even for them.

Ironically they found their stooges to carry out their sickly form of crony-capitalism. These are, socialists, feminists, liberals, civil rights activists, Islamists. This stew of seemingly like minded people are nothing but pawns to the crony-capitalists.

The sickly drive for modern crony-capitalism to sweep the world began in baby steps by the 1960’s. To get people to accept it required the idea of socialistic viewpoints being made as good for all. They first jumped on the backs of the US civil rights movement, taking a proper and just movement to work to end civil rights abuses especially among black Americans. But these men turned it into a socialistic based political movement which for 50+ years now have kept blacks and other minorities down and on the system of life with only the ‘liberalistic‘ government as your guide. Keeping people down with socialistic ideals dressed as equality is an easy way to mold them as pawns.

Prior to 1965 in the USA, 76% of all black adults got married and less than 24% of black children were born to unwed mothers. In 2015 only 24% of adult blacks get married and 72% of all black children are born to unwed mothers. In 1920 more black high school graduates made it to university than they now do in 2015.

The crony-capitalists used socialism in the guise of civil rights to keep black and other minorities under their thumbs.

The early feminist movement (post1965). The crony-capitalists saw that these women and those men who agreed with them were also moldable to socialism and by extent their control. They fed the feminists the spoon fed drip of social justice and with it socialism. Today under the weight of third wave feminists we have seen the near destruction of the post WWII western family. The now built in inequality of men to women in how justice and society prefers women over men today by the SJW movement fits into the crony-capitalist ideals.

Islamist's, the crony-capitalists with their other noted here stooges on board have supported Islam’s spread as on the surface its pretty socialistic. But it’s NOT. It’s Islamist. It’s leaders and peoples indoctrinated by it support only Islam and will not bend to other ideals if they have power to not to.

Taqqiya allows them to lie and bend if they do not have power only to protect their indoctrinated 7th. century ideology but, crony-capitalists, socialists, liberals, feminists etc. all fail to see Islam is not like them and will persecute and kill them first if it ever attains ascendancy.

Thankfully virtually every Islamic dominated nation has a societal IQ of below 85 most are below 80. The western developed world as messed up as it is today, does as a society have an IQ of 95+ most over 100. Never has the less intelligent people won at anything over the more intelligent people. If/when Islam was to over time boost the societal IQ of their people, they will more than not flee and leave Islam in mass as once bright enough they will more likely see it as backwards.

The socialists in general are the biggest swath of stooges for these crony-capitalists. These socialist/liberalist stooges fill in all the other gaps, promising all FAIRNESS, EQUALITY, BETTER LIFE etc. But have NOT delivered on any one. These promises are always just one day away.

The men behind the black curtains or in the shadows, pulling strings hate interlopers, They hate men who see through them. They hate men who want only more liberty for all, only for more freedom of markets and freedom of choice for the citizens in an attempt to allow all to find their dream(s) and make their lives with more peace and order but with LIFE. LIBERTY and THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS!

No promises of equality, no promise of fairness, in that of equality of outcome in life. But promises of the desire for equality of opportunity. Give all people that and watch humans endeavor to find each their own way and work to their own dreams and goals.

Yes, there must be a safety net, nobody should want a person or family kicked out to the street after a job loss or business failure. Such a person or family is in reality no longer a true participant in the real economy. Nobody should ever want a man, woman or child left dying outside a hospital for inability to buy healthcare. Such persons are no longer participants in the real economy nor the real game of life. Government has its place but not to do all and be all to all people.

President Ronald Reagan for the USA was an interloper and he was one who fought the war against socialism and by such put a marker out on crony-capitalism. He did not believe in globalism, but in the power of the nation state and where the better and best ones excelled and the lower quality ones paid the price of their poor ways. His hope was that USA as being ‘the shining city on the hill’ and as a result the lower quality and backwards nation states would either pull things and ideals from the US ideology he championed or even choose to emulate.

President Reagan did many things wrong, as a young man I criticized many of his actions and questioned many of his beliefs as I was brought up at a crossroads where the greatness of post WWII USA led, western idealism rose and soon flat lined as the swell of the disgusting creep of socialism came about. Today in this mixed up world where I see it under attack by the globalist, crony-capitalists who play with, deceive and use as stooges, SJW’s, BLM, 3rd wave feminists, Islamist's and liberals to raise havoc to our world, for their lazy cabal of easy to hold crony-capitalism and not to champion the empowerment of people, more freedom, free but ‘just’ markets and the hard work needed for all of this.

These diseased minds of globalism, NWO types fail to understand for most any person who are once above subsistence and starvation believers in these first two things.

1: INDIVIDUAL EMPOWERMENT and the freedom to attempt to succeed and better yet the freedom to fail, but if failing be picked up and nudged back along to learn and move forward, rather than be a wasted soul on the government controlling, socialist drip.

2: The belief and love of one’s own nation state. NATIONALISM is a powerful tool for a society, good or bad, but once people rise and survive, after the recognition of the individual they then attach to their nation and generally want what’s best if their government does not act against them. Nobody who is of free and sound mind says I am a citizen of the world. They all say they are citizens of ______ country.

These are reasons why Globalists, NWO types and crony-capitalist ARE WRONG and will in the end FAIL!

2016 is a watershed year. Not in a long time has the USA had a general Presidential Election with TWO clear choices. No Party A or Party B pablum.

Democrats offer a corrupted person who has a terrible record in office. A globalist who hates the USA as it stands against her biggest backers and handlers. She as a stooge gets great privilege and power. She will be status quo on steroids and will make life worse for not only Americans but likely the world. She will promise you everything but give you nothing she promised.

Republicans offer a true change, a man as flawed as he is but who LOVES THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! As such he wants to defend it and bring back its greatness. A man who has never been a politician nor a socialist on the government drip. A man who lived through the post WWII rise of the USA and has seen its decline. A man who champions the nation state vs nation state competition of markets and ideals, but not in pulling the better more successful state(s) down to the level of the flawed, failing or backwards state(s).

The idea of the USA and its ideal of American Exceptionalism is not a bad thing, as among the 200+ nation states today, which would you wish to be the template for such exceptionalism?

A man who like Reagan in 1980 and JFK in 1960 were trans-formative men. That is what Donald Trump wants and likely brings for the USA. That is why I support him in becoming the next President of the USA.

MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Vote Donald J. Trump for POTUS 2016. The choice is clear.
The worst mass murderers are women, they murder the unborn in millions per year and are the worst killers of children. Both points here are facts.

The global unholy alliance,Communism, Islam and the imposter Pope of the corrupted Catholic Church.
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Les / Vipers Rule
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Re: A Shining City on a Hill...

Postby the_edge » Mon Oct 10, 2016 6:46 am

Little did people know that trump and les are also very talented. Here is the first song that trump and les mixed together at his trump tower records studio, them jamz are sick dude!!!

Warning: NSFW - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDJeyncwP8U
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Re: A Shining City on a Hill...

Postby Swerve » Mon Oct 10, 2016 12:43 pm

I thought Trump loved Russia...

Les, I think you'll find your IQ stats are made up. But you'll be unpleasantly surprised to learn that progressives generally edge out conservatives in intelligence tests. So what does that tell you?
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Re: A Shining City on a Hill...

Postby Les / Vipers Rule » Tue Oct 11, 2016 5:14 am

The worst mass murderers are women, they murder the unborn in millions per year and are the worst killers of children. Both points here are facts.

The global unholy alliance,Communism, Islam and the imposter Pope of the corrupted Catholic Church.
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Les / Vipers Rule
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Re: A Shining City on a Hill...

Postby Les / Vipers Rule » Wed Oct 12, 2016 7:39 pm

If the United States of America, goes down the same or similar path that many of its peers are on, notably most of Europe, but elsewhere too. A path of crony-capitalism in bed with the current socialist ideals, that use as pawns and stooges, SJW's, 3rd Wave Feminists, BLM, other liberal activist groups and Islam to push an anti-liberty, anti-democratic, anti-self-determination of the nation state, pro globalist, pro pushing down of freedoms like speech, association, and general liberty, pro stealing of people's wealth. Well if that happens, we will have to accept what maybe 30-40-50-60+ years of growing darkness as only the USA has the ability to fight this and maybe stop it. If the USA goes, no other nation on Earth can currently prevent what will be a generation or two or more of darkness.

Any other nation(s) that remotely have the ability to fight this are even more on board than the USA is. China Pfft! The E.U. Pfft HA HA HA YEAH RIGHT! Russia, NOPE!, India 70% of the people are uneducated and poor and 30% are ok but many want to move about and are incapable of fighting this scourge anyways. Brazil, LOL! Zika Zika Zika, Canada, NOPE! um 36million folks who only draw water, are hewers of wood and the rest sell housing between each other at ever increasing pricing and digging bigger debt holes, plus with a PM Sunny Ways, butt kissing the cabal and the UN.

Americans have an important POTUS election for 2016. A game changer this time, biggest since Reagan defeated Carter in 1980. One candidate stands for what the USA is all about and will fight to defend it and restore its greatness, as result by political and social osmosis will help better the rest of the world. H.R.C. will not do this, she is first for sale (pay for play) and second is an activist, liberal, leftist who truly hates the USA and finally she is a hypocrite and sociopathic liar.
The worst mass murderers are women, they murder the unborn in millions per year and are the worst killers of children. Both points here are facts.

The global unholy alliance,Communism, Islam and the imposter Pope of the corrupted Catholic Church.
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Les / Vipers Rule
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Re: A Shining City on a Hill...

Postby Turbojett » Sat Oct 15, 2016 4:19 am

Keep on Trollin' Image
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Re: A Shining City on a Hill...

Postby thewalrus » Wed Oct 19, 2016 3:18 am

Hey Les! I just mailed in my ballot for Hillary Clinton! And then I filled in (D)s all the way down the line.

Suck on that you weird fucking bastard.
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Re: A Shining City on a Hill...

Postby Les / Vipers Rule » Wed Oct 19, 2016 5:12 am

The worst mass murderers are women, they murder the unborn in millions per year and are the worst killers of children. Both points here are facts.

The global unholy alliance,Communism, Islam and the imposter Pope of the corrupted Catholic Church.
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Les / Vipers Rule
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Re: A Shining City on a Hill...

Postby Les / Vipers Rule » Wed Oct 19, 2016 5:13 pm

Hillary is unfit to be POTUS for many reasons but Parkinson's Disease may be the best yet.

YouTube, Webtech Vidzette. A Doctor's page where he analyzes and tell about why he feels she is suffering from Parkinson's and as a result must not be POTUS.

The worst mass murderers are women, they murder the unborn in millions per year and are the worst killers of children. Both points here are facts.

The global unholy alliance,Communism, Islam and the imposter Pope of the corrupted Catholic Church.
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Les / Vipers Rule
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Re: A Shining City on a Hill...

Postby 1300zuk » Wed Oct 19, 2016 6:59 pm

And trump is a race baiting, sexual abuser, and general dick bag and is unfit.

We are voting for Vice President, so I'm going to go with kaine, unless it looks like Hillary is going to win by a landslide then I might go third party.
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Re: A Shining City on a Hill...

Postby Les / Vipers Rule » Wed Oct 19, 2016 9:45 pm

Last edited by Les / Vipers Rule on Wed Oct 19, 2016 9:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The worst mass murderers are women, they murder the unborn in millions per year and are the worst killers of children. Both points here are facts.

The global unholy alliance,Communism, Islam and the imposter Pope of the corrupted Catholic Church.
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Les / Vipers Rule
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Re: A Shining City on a Hill...

Postby Les / Vipers Rule » Wed Oct 19, 2016 9:46 pm

Back to Hilary and Parkinsons. I can’t stand her politically and as a person, as I think she is poison and anti-American. BUT! dammit I have more compassion for her than Bill, her family, Her special friend “Huma” nudge, nudge, wink, wink, her staff, The DNC and The W.H. as THEY ALL KNOW she has Parkinson’s as it’s symptoms in her have been clear in all too many photo ops and videos. They just don’t give a damn about her, the important position of POTUS, America or the world. They just want a pawn who is all on board with the elitist, globalists, cronies. She doesn’t care either as she knows she will likely soon be incapable to run a W.H. if she wins, but she and they keep denying this.

The MSM is guilty as charged for not making light of this.

Hillary has no need for more money and IMO she should just rest and relax to enjoy her life on the farm or at a country cottage.
The worst mass murderers are women, they murder the unborn in millions per year and are the worst killers of children. Both points here are facts.

The global unholy alliance,Communism, Islam and the imposter Pope of the corrupted Catholic Church.
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Les / Vipers Rule
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Re: A Shining City on a Hill...

Postby Pennzoil GT-R » Fri Oct 21, 2016 2:56 pm

I'm not quite sure if you hate Clinton because you're a staunch Republican, which is fair enough, or if you actually like Trump, in which case you're a blithering idiot. Which is it?
Pennzoil GT-R
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